Our Mandate

Mission Statement

“To provide service to, and enhance the life of residents of the community and the region in the areas of agriculture, entertainment, sport and culture"

Vision Statement

“To be a diverse community leader in the areas of agriculture, entertainment & culture to ensure the participation and education of future generations in the Southwest."

Values of Swift Current Ag & Ex

We seek to fulfill our mission and pursue our vision by upholding the following core values with integrity, transparency and accountability:

Passion ~ Passionate in our work and inspire passion among others
Service ~ Our work serves the community, people, and culture we represent
Excellence ~ Deliver best-in-class experience, education and entertainment
Authenticity ~ Genuine, hardworking & trustworthy in our words and actions

Since its founding, the Swift Current Agricultural & Exhibition Association has hosted numerous successful events at Kinetic Park and around Swift Current. The "Ag & Ex" is both a non-profit organization and a registered charity with a mandate to provide service to, and enhance the life of residents of the community and the region in the areas of agriculture, entertainment, sport and culture. We serve this mandate through the development and delivery of programs such as Frontier Days Regional Fair and CCA Rodeo, Doc’s Town Heritage Village, Ranchman’s Ridin’ & Recitin’ (including Junior Stockmans), and Discover the Farm.

Through the delivery of these programs we contribute greatly to the community of Swift Current and area. On an annual basis we purchase over one million dollars worth of goods and services, utilize more than 20,000 volunteer hours and attract over 200,000 people annually to our park to participate in the various functions and events. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the organization and its predecessors have ensured the residents and visitors to Saskatchewan’s southwest have had events, sports, culture and community to be proud of. It is the intent of the Board & Management to ensure the Swift Current Ag & Ex remains prepared, resourced and ready to continue that legacy on behalf of the residents and visitors for a century to come.

Recognition & Awards

  • Hall of Fame Inductee

    Swift Current Business Excellence Awards, 2024

  • Non-Profit of the Year

    Swift Current Business Excellence Awards, 2018

  • Achievement of the Year Award

    SAASE/ SaskEnergy Awards, 2019